Fish Hook Summit 2023
Bayden Barber
Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc Chair
Bayden Barber is the newly elected Board Chairman. Bayden’s strengths lie in organisational governance and leadership. He currently holds a number of governance roles for local, regional, and national organisations. He has solid business acumen and an informed view on local and national political and social issues. Bayden holds a number of voluntary community leadership positions and is actively involved in his marae in Waimarama where he resides with his wife Myra and their children.
Ngaio Tiuka
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. Director, Environment & Natural Resources
Ngaio oversees the aspirations of Kahungunu for the use and management of marine and freshwater fisheries within our rohe and is responsible for providing high quality analytical advice and research that supports the implementation of the Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai Marine and Freshwater strategic plan mai i Paritū ki Tūrakirae. Among other things, Ngaio manages the directorate responsible for the Summit.
Hayden Hape
Chairman of Kahungunu ki Tamaki nui-a-Rua Taiwhenua & Iwi Board member
Hayden is no stranger to iwi development and he approaches his mahi with passion and determination. Hayden is a former Kahungunu Asset Holding Company Director. He is an entrepreneur and sees a need and meets that need with a thriving attitude toward building his community with opportunities for a better future. Hayden is the Chairman of Pure Heart Aotearoa.
Marge Hape
Tamatea Taiwhenua Office Manager and Environment representative
Tamatea Taiwhenua works on community engagement, building whānau relationships and instilling pride. Marge has worked for the Taiwhenua for around 20 years as the Office Administrator. Marge remains to be a key communicator in her town. Marge is always keeping the whānau informed and encouraging registration with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to take advantage of benefits to members.
Marei Apatu
Te Kaihautu, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
I’ve been a scrub cutter, beef butcher, boner and market gardener and I still enjoy scuba / free diving, white baiting and i want to start biking again. Karen (nee Blake / Mareikura) and I have been married for 46 years with 6 children and 30 something moko. This is my 31st year with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, a district wide/community kaupapa service employing approximately 400 staff. One of my key role’s is to project manage marae hapū capacity through wānanga, and keep oversight on RMA environmental issues supporting marae, hapū in their role as Kaitiaki. I hold a Masters in Māori and Management from Te Wānanga o Raukawa and I am a Certified Environmental Commissioner. Tihei Kahungunu !
Katarina Kawana
Board Member of Wairoa Taiwhenua and Eco-warrior Extraordinaire.
Katarina is from Wairoa and works in iwi environmental issues specialising in water and land solutions for hapū and iwi; Water monitoring of the Waiau and Te Wairoa River using the Mauri Compass; Active member of Wairoa Waste Discharge Stakeholder Group for Wairoa Hopupu; Drone Operator, photographer of land and Water; Tutor of Customary Fishing and Freshwater Management for Awanuiarangi. She loves outdoors and conservation.
Shade Smith
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. Senior Analyst Environment & Natural Resources. Principal Environment and Marine Scientist
Shade is the Senior Analyst for the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated's Environment and Natural Resources Unit. Shade provides high quality advice that will ultimately support and protect Ngāti Kahungunu environmental and natural resource interests. Shades passion is the empowerment of indigenous peoples to become more involved and productive in providing resource management solutions.
Melissa Ihaka
Kahungunu ki Wairarapa representative on the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc Board
Melissa is the youngest member on the NKII Board. She brings youthfulness, vitality, new ideas and a rangatahi voice to the table. Melissa has a background in shearing and has hard working ethics and possesses valuable administrative and financial skills. A whānau girl at heart she doesn't hesitate to put herself forward to lift her community. This was made evident during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. She is passionate about bringing rangatahi to the table to learn their roles now for a thriving future.
Hori Reti
Chairman of Te Whanganui A Orotu Taiwhenua & Iwi Board member
Hori Reti is the Chair of Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui A Orotu and represents the Taiwhenua on the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board. He continues to strengthen our distinctive culture and language by driving education as the forefront of our success. Hori is also a Ratana Minister and has a personal desire to help strengthen his whānau, hapū community to ensure everyone is supported and has a chance to flourish.
Tania Eden
Mana Ahuriri Trust
Tania Eden was elected as the new Chair of the Trust in August 2021. This is a great responsibility, and in a short time the Trust has blossomed as a drive for registrations and communications grow from within the trust.
Tania is also the Chief Executive of Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui A Orotu.
Click here to view the Mana Ahuriri Website.
Darryn Russell
Cheif Executive
Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust
He Pāhihi ahau o te riu o te waka Araiteuru,
Ko tāku whare kura, a Tamatea,
Ko tōku kao whenua, ko Horopapera ki Te Rauone tae atu ki Pipikaretu.
Darryn was appointed in 2021 as chief executive officer for HTST. This follow 20 years in senior roles at Universities of Otago and Canterbury. Darryn also retains directorships on Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corp Ltd, Ngāi Tahu Capital, Retara Holdings Ltd and a member of Social Workers’ Tribunal and has held prior governance roles across National Crown entities, regulatory bodies and community groups.
Darryn’s personal and professional passion is iwi development from community work and from undergraduate to to Doctoral qualifications and recognises the privilege of holding a role within the Heretaunga Tamatea and Kāhungunu takiwā.
Presenter TBA
Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust
Click here to view their website
Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust is the Post Settlement Governance Entity for Heretaunga Tamatea. Established to receive the redress negotiated by He Toa Takitini in settlement of the historical Treaty grievances of Heretaunga Tamatea against the Crown.
Presenter TBA
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust.