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More information about Affordable Rentals in Ōtane

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII) is committed to enabling the well-being of whānau members. We are exploring a variety of housing options to support whānau in to affordable housing. ​Rentals in Ōtane is a new opportunity. 

Russell Street, Otane, the signt where 20 homes will be build. 
The community of Otane support the soil turning to celebrate 20 new homes going up in Russell Street, Ōtane. 
The soil is turned by neighbour and long-time family resident Angela Bellamy

Kahungunu Turns Soil in Otane

In 2024, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated purchased land on Russell Street in Otane to build 20 affordable rental homes to support whānau seeking quality homes at fair prices. On 18 October 2024, a ceremony took place to commence the project. 


Residents of Ōtane were invited to the special karakia offered by former iwi chairman, Kaumātua Ngahiwi Tomoana. The turning of the soil or groundbreaking ceremony was performed by land neighbour and long-time family resident Angela Bellamy. While the soil was turned, Kaumātua Ngahiwi Tomoana recited the whakapapa of the people of the whenua and the whenua where the houses will lay. The karakia also acknowledged those who have made this possible. 

Local residents shared their inspired comments about how these homes will bring in more people for their schools and community to further thrive. 

“The goal and vision for the iwi is to provide housing for the whānau within the Kahungunu rohe. This is our first opportunity to really showcase what we can achieve and we’re pretty proud with what we’re able to do” - Steve Gordon - Iwi Housing Manager

Steve Gordon acknowledged Tamatea Taiwhenua, the CHB District Council, the community and especially the people of Otane for turning up this morning.

“The housing we are bringing to this community will be what we’re going to be doing in other communities within the Central Hawkes Bay District as well”.

Central Hawke’s Bay Deputy Mayor Kelly Annand gave a speech about how wonderful it is to be a part of this opportunity for Central Hawke’s Bay and acknowledged the iwi for the work that will take place. 

Development works commenced in November 2024. The homes being built are architecturally designed modern 3-4 bedroom homes with open plan living designs that have indoor-outdoor flow. 


“This  is not social housing and we want people to use this as a footstep up the ladder to have a beautiful affordable rental home, and then progress up to home ownership at some stage whether it’s with us or some others, we’ll leave that up to them” - Steve Gordon

“The whānau of Tamatea Taiwhenua are really excited, especially with working alongside our whanaunga at Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated” - Jenny Nelson-Smith,  Chairperson of Tamatea Taiwhenua.

“This is about whānau, this is not about a house, this is about a family home and that’s the really big difference”.

“We’re very excited at the prospect of our whānau having their own home and as Steve said we will do whatever we can to uplift and support them into their own home ownership, or to just stay here in Central Hawke’s Bay, because it’s a God given beautiful spot”.



Residents and iwi whānau happy to have affordable rentals in Ōtane

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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