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Board Summary

Board Meetings

The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board meets on the last Friday of every second month starting in July each year. For inquiries about Board meetings contact the Board Administrator Michelle Ferris


Board Summaries

Board Summaries are notes taken at the bi-monthly Board hui and shared to keep our iwi members updated. For more information about these notes please contact the Communication Advisor Ruth Wong



Tēnā koutou katoa e te iwi,

This is a summary of notes taken at the Board meeting that was held on Friday 27 September 2024 at Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Office, 304 Fitzroy Avenue, Hastings.

NKII Elections 2025

Ruth presented the date for the next triennial election coming up on 24 April 2025. Communications will start to go out. 

Special General Meeting

The meeting went well. Good to get through that year and now looking forward to reporting our financials at our next AGM.  

NICF Hosted by Kahungunu

The board is working on the hosting budget for NICF, considering how costs will be shared with PSGEs. The theme of the event will be Tika tonu ue, which embraces a message of challenge, and perseverance..As part of the hosting of the National Iwi Chairs Forum, we are celebrating NKII Taumata members for their contribution to the community and iwi. Those being acknowledged are Tā Dr Pita Sharples, Tā Timoti Karetu, and Whaea Liz Hunkin. For the NICF  emphasis was be placed on ensuring the event reflects the mana of Kahungunu and upholds dignity and respect for the iwi chairs. The process will remain whakanoa, with no compromises on manaakitanga.

 ​Te Pakanga o Pakake

A significant pākanga for Ngāti Kahungunu was the first battle involving muskets in our rohe, which had a profound impact on many of our chiefs, particularly those from Te Whanganui a Ōrotu. The pou at Waiohiki marae and other locations were sites of carnage, including many from Ngāti Hawea. A two-day program is being organised and have invited Waikato Tainui to participate. The event is scheduled for 29th and 30th November 2024. The day prior will feature a Kahungunu wānanga at Waiohiki. Winipere, a renowned chieftainess of Heretaunga, was taken back to Waikato and held captive. Her tangi mōteatea was performed at Rongokako during that time. We are also reflecting on the battles from 200 years ago in Napier, where we faced northern tribes during the musket wars. To commemorate this significant history, we are planning an event on the 29 November at Tekowhai. (Perfume Point).  

Kahungunu Asset Holding Company Report

The Asset Holding Company gave a report on the current status of the Assets. On reflecting the SGM. KAHC viewed it as a success with participants feeling heard and providing valuable suggestions. The Board sees the need to collaborate more efficiently to be able to provide the financial reports for the next AGM in a timely manner. 

Kahungunu Kainga - Iwi Prototype Development

The iwi has secured a loan to purchase land in Otane to build 20 homes that will be owned by NKII to house whanau.NKII entered into a Sale and Purchase agreement for 20 sections in Otane, this was approved in principle by the NKII Board. There are currently 14 homes at the Housing headquarters. NKII is pursuing an arrangement with PSGEs that have shovel ready land. Each PSGE has their own decisions to make on this matter. Theres actually a lot of movement in the Housing kaupapa for Kahungunu. 

Staff Updates

Nicosia Webster has taken over the lead for Te Kura. Chris has moved sideways into the Te Ara Mātua space, Rose Siaosi is an intern who is doing a Bachelor of Human Resources at EIT. She is reviewing HR policies and supporting the coordination of Te Kura. Blain Lamberg will start as an Administrator for Te Ara Mātua but will also assist Hine with financiers. Melissa White has been appointed Director of Te Ara Toiroa for a 2-year fixed term period. There are vacancies now with the new Te Ara Mātua space. 

Taiwhenua Updates

A lot is taking place at each Taiwhenua. Uncle Haami remains at home striving to maintain his health and wellbeing. 

In Wairoa we farewelled Mrs Parekura Patricia Ngahiwi Robinson nee Walker. She was a well known face in the Wairoa Community and worked voluntarily in the Clothes Bank right up to her 101 year on this earth. The Wairoa Flood Recovery Programme continues with mayoral groups meeting regularly. Taiwhenua internal build is now complete. In Heretaunga the Waingakau operation continues its goal for affordable rentals for whanau seeking home. Housing is a huge issue in all areas. TTOH were able to send 30 staff to attend Toitu Te Reo which was inspiring to say the least. TTOH are currently hosting their Te Haaro elections. Chairman elections will take place on 21st October. The Taurahere whanau in Kirikiriroa are working together to wananga to enhance te reo and tikanga.  



© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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