Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
About the Taiwhenua:
Like the unfurling koru frond of a native fern, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga has grown, developed and strengthened over the years. The journey has been rich with learning, highs and lows, testing times and many pioneering moments. Illustrated in this section are the principles, values and experiences that make us unique and assisted to create the kaupapa Māori environment we have at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.
Ko Kahurānaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Heretaunga te Taiwhenua
Heretaunga Haukū nui
Heretaunga Ararau
Heretaunga Haaro o Te Kaahu
Heretaunga Takotoa noa
Heretaunga of life giving dew
Heretaunga of Arcadian pathways
Heretaunga, beauty of which can only be seen by the Hawk
Heretaunga that has been left to us the humble servants
The Governance of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is the Te Haaro Board of Trustees. The Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Trust Deed was aligned to Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated processes in 2000, resulting in Marae/ Hapū and Maata Waka representation on the Board of Trustees.
The Board is made up of fifteen (15) members who are mandated by the individual Marae and affiliated Hapū, including one (1) Maata Waka mandated trustee.
Seventeen (17) Marae are represented on Te Haaro Board of Trustees through natural Marae clusters. Te Haaro Board of Trustees provide the visionary strategic leadership for Heretaunga that reflects the needs and aspirations of Marae/ Hapū, Whānau and Communities. Te Haaro also ensures Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is high performing, compliant and fulfilling the vision and kaupapa in accordance with the Trust Deed and tikanga.
Te Haaro Board: (May 2022)
Chairperson: Mike Paku
Deputy Chairperson: Kane Koko
Mangaroa Marae: Thompson Hokianga
Waimārama Marae: Bayden Barber/Moira McGarva-Ratapu
Ōmāhu Marae: Moana-Lee Mackey
Kahurānaki Marae: Leah Hapuku-Annan
Mihiroa Marae: Donna Keefe
Taraia Marae: Paula Savae
Te Aranga Marae: Kararaina Kire
Matahiwi Marae: Ripeka Kireka
Ruahāpia Marae: Mike Paku/Crystal Edwards
Korongatā Marae: Christine Tamati
Te Āwhina Marae: Amo Puha
Rūnanga Marae: Monica Kendrick
Houngarea Marae: Heeni Carlson
Waipatu Marae: Annette Harris
Office Management & COVID-19 Support Staff
Office CEO & Administrators - George Reedy (CE),
Te Reo, Tikanga & Mātauranga –
Environment and Natural Resources - Marei Apatu
Essential Services during Covid-19 - Click here
Kaiwhakarite for Tangihanga Process during Covid-19 period - Mike Paku 021 184 1503
Kai Hau Kai Initial Contact: George Edwards - 027 229 8464
Contact Information
Physical Address - 821 Orchard Road, Hastings 4122
Postal Address: PO Box 718, Hastings
Phone: 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 8715350
Email Address: Taiwhenua.heretaunga@ttoh.iwi.nz
Website: www.ttoh.iwi.nz