Chairmans Blog - Keep updated
4 birthdays a wedding a tangi and 500 hangi and a flight to Dubai
13-14 November 2021
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Chairman Update
Yesterday,Friday 12 November 7am, we zoomed with Danielle who is in Dubai already with Traci Tuimaseve, and she gave us last minute riding instructions on travel preps, airport restrictions and weather conditions there- 35degrees- sweltering! "Don't bring heavy clothes" she warned.
We then tapped into Iwi chairs - Ministers zoom through Chrissie, before going to have korero,cuppa and karakia with Haami and Edina. Haami had been in hospital for a week but is able to hobble around at home. It's also his 80th birthday this Sunday. His son Haami was also in hospital with a stroke.
Then we sprint to Pakipaki to scythe our green green grass of home before heading for a pre-departure covid test. And our names were not on the had to patipati and cajole our way on to it. Then we had to take our samples physically to the lab for testing in order to get a result before we were due to depart. Then some invisible helping hands started working. Chrissie rang Patrick Le Geyt who rang the senior nurse who rang the head of the lab who did our tests immediately who rang me to say we had our results. All within the speed of light! Both tested negative.Yaya!!
Wake up 4am, last check on luggage and the hangi crew of Henry Heke, James Graham,Nigel Bickle and Morehu Te Tomo come pouring over the hill and light two hangi fires with 250 hangi in each. These will go to Vax centre's in Tamatea, Heretaunga and Ahuriri around lunch. Mihi and a bon voyage to the ringawera , a happy birthday to Henry Heke....
Next minute Aorangi Tukis 64th birthday at the Horse and Hound, a quick review of Hawea Regional Park docs, our daughter Tia calls in to give a Koha and says she and her tane James are having their 1st jab apopo (woop weep weep)a Bartlett wedding at Kohupatiki, Iral Lee's 50th at RSA, where we heard Peter Paku had passed away. Pataka Kai for Peter, then home to pack bags. Time? 10pm. Finish packing 12pm.
.........then Te Uira whisks us to the airport. Makere and Waiora are there to see us off, Makere gives us a karakia.
We fly to Wellington where we meet Paddy Mason, Mavis Mullins,Tupelo Tanoa, Hoki Mai Chong and Kay Maree Dunn all heading for Dubai.
Kahurangi are heading to Auckland by bus. Yes, a tumultuous build-up to a fabulous event.
See you all in 3 weeks time and thanks for all your support and aroha
Sukraan, Tihei Kahungunu!
What a hectic whirlwind week this was. Mere, myself and about 100 others are jetting off to the Dubai International Economic Expo to facilitate the NZ Pavillion for a week showcasing Maori resurgence and resilience in the NZ economy. We have Kahurangi with us and leaders in te reo me on tikanga, business heads and entrepreneurs, poets, voyagers, scientists and digi- buffs..........back to this week.
I will miss my 1st Kahungunu AGM in 25 years but shucks, someone has to do this rough stuff on the world its the first year our AGM has gone I can still be present from MIQ...