How to apply:
Download an Application form. The form can be emailed or posted to our office.
Successful applicants must:
Acknowledge Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. as a sponsor;
Promote Kahungunu values and beliefs at your event;
If the event is a significant Kahungunu event, you must include the ‘Kahungunu’ name in the event title.
Submit a full report of the event within 2 weeks of completion of the event being run. (click here)
Your application is received at the office and processed through inwards correspondence.
The information is entered into a sponsorship application template and filtered using the criteria.
A recommendation is submitted for approval.
An email or letter is sent to the submitter with the outcome.
Electronic correspondence is preferred if successful, the submitter is asked to reply to the email that the sponsorship is accepted.
All payments are made on the 20th of the month prior to the event.
Failure to provide the required information set out on the application form WILL result in delays in processing your application.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure your application is complete at the time of submission.
All Sponsorship applications close on the 20 November for events taking place in January and February the following year. New applications can be received in the new year for events in March onwards.
To encourage, and to recognize the pursuit of cultural and sporting excellence by Ngāti Kahungunu.
Cultural and sporting pursuits are an important aspect of personal, whānau, hapū and iwi development. For this purpose Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated allocates a limited amount of funding toward sponsorship each year.
Sponsorship may be allocated to events promoting culture and sports within the Ngāti Kahungunu rohe or promoting Ngāti Kahungunu in a national or international forum. The applicants must agree and adhere to the criteria for sponsorship and accept decisions made with no right of appeal.
Criteria of Sponsorship
Applicants must:
Be of Kahungunu descent and a registered member of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated;
Apply by completing the official ‘Sponsorship Application Form’ at least six (6) weeks prior to the event;
Be selected to compete as an individual/group or team in a National or International event recognized by the sporting or cultural body of that event;
Be holding a significant Kahungunu event in the Kahungunu rohe primarily for the people of Kahungunu that is endorsed by your local taiwhenua
Applicants can only receive one sponsorship per financial year (1 July – 30 June)
Sponsorship applications will close off in November and will re-open 1st January.
(No applications will be processed during this timeframe.)
Applications received in January will be paid in March.
Applicants must agree and adhere to the criteria for sponsorship and accept decisions made with no right of appeal.
What we cannot sponsor:
Fundraisers, Reunions, Workshops, Marae Wānanga, Buildings and equipment/wages, Local & Regional sporting events, School exchanges or trips, University and school fees and uniforms.
Levels of Support
Team Requirement
In a team with 6 or less players, all team members must be registered.
In a team with 7 or more, at least 70% of the team members must be registered.
Regional Representative
at a National Event
Up to $250
Up to $500
NZ rep at an International event
Up to $500
Up to $1000