Kahungunu Iwi Tobacco Free Strategy
On the 6th May 2010 a ‘Hui-ā-Iwi’ was held seeking whānau opinion on adopting a Kahungunu Tobacco Free Strategy.
It was a unanimous decision to adopt the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Tobacco Free Strategy and to establish a Kahungunu Tobacco Action Group (#KTAG).
#KTAG is chaired by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Board member Owen Purcell.
Impacts of tobacco on Kahungunu Whānau
Tobacco related illness and deaths of Kahungunu peoples interrupts the ability to fully meet the following Kahungunu Vision 2026 strategic goals of (1) Culturally Strong and (2) Strong, Vibrant, Health Whanau and Hapū.
The greatest impact is felt each time a member of Kahungunu passes on. Their contribution to their whānau, hapū and iwi is what is lost each time.
Our goal of preserving tikanga and reo is impeded by people dying prematurely and not being able to pass on information or reo to next generations
Tobacco use undermines the core social cohesion links (relationships, bonds and kinship – whanaungatanga) of Kahungunu with every illness and premature death it contributes to.
Crucially tobacco impedes the ability to transfer Kahungunu cultural norms, beliefs and values, tikanga/kawa, reo and mātauranga Māori onto future generations.
Tāne Purotu, Wahine Purotu korua ko te tau e........
What would Ngāti Kahungunu look like if we lived 15 years longer?