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Inaugural Kahungunu Mātauranga Symposium celebrates Kahungunu Champions

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Mātauranga Symposium - Celebrating Kotahitanga

Mātauranga Symposium – Discover the power of Kotahitanga in education

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated hosted it’s inaugural Mātauranga Symposium on Friday 31st January at Toitoi Conference and Event Centre. The purpose of the symposium was to support the educational strategic objectives of the iwi and to advance the educational aspirations for Kahungunu whānau. 

In 2024, the iwi introduced ‘Te Ao Mārama – Everything Mātauranga Podcast’. Iwi Mātauranga specialists Tawehi Munro and Whare Isaac – Sharland interviewed a number of people to introduce themselves to the iwi and to help share their perspectives on life and learning as an iwi member. The interviews aimed at bridging gaps and nurturing understanding by sharing the rich tapestry of knowledge, wisdom, and perspectives from the Ngāti Kahungunu community.  

At the Ngāti Kahungunu Mātauranga Symposium, former iwi chairman of 26 years Mr Ngahiwi Tomoana, gave a keynote speech on Mātauranga and shared his own life experiences of learning from his iwi leaders..

A panel session focused on Kotahitanga facilitated by Whare Isaac-Sharland was an excellent discussion. Piripi Winiata,  Mereana Pitman, Dr David Tipene Leach, Henare Kani and iwi Chairman Bayden Barber gave good views on the kaupapa of Kotahitanga.  

Workshop presenters focused on key areas: Mātauranga, Te Reo Māori, Rangatiratanga, Tipuria te Aroha and Whanaungatanga. Participants were able to attend at least 4 of the 5 workshops throughout the day.

On Thursday 30 January, a separate Celebration Awards Dinner took place, where whānau members were acknowledged as Kahungunu Champions. It was a fantastic day.

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