HE TOHUTAKA NGĀWARI MĀ TE WHĀNAU - Easy Recipes for the family
The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated mission is to uphold the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu. In response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak we want to keep our whānau informed, safe and well. New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4. We need your support to protect New Zealand and eradicate COVID-19. Enforcement measures may be used to ensure everyone acts together, now. Everyone must now stay home, except those providing essential services. This page has some easy recipes for the whānau
A Message of hope and TIPS from Aunty's Garden
Hi, I'm Aunty Hanui Lawrence. I am from Waipatu and I initiated Auntys Garden at our marae. I have been sharing my recipes with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated for nearly 6 years. I love gardening and cooking. My parents taught me and siblings how to work hard for what we have, and I have always been grateful for the legacy they left for us.
My husband George and our children and grandchildren and even the great grandchildren spend time with me in the garden. A group of dedicated people help to maintain the garden which is great.
These are extraordinary times and being stuck at home can be quite stressful, especially if you're used to buying kai everyday for your meals. But it needn't be a time of struggle.
Here at Aunty's Garden we have seen our fresh produce fly out of the garden as whānau have gathered in their kai to stock up during these hard times. I want you to know that I am here to help you through. Don't worry. These recipes are all from things you might have in your garden. Stay well everyone, we will get through together. Scroll through some of my recipes to the left.
Just remember to be kind to one another.
These are also easy recipes to help you in your creativity. Click on them to go to a youtube link.