ĒTAHI MAHI KI TE KĀINGA MĀ NGĀ PAKEKE - Things for adults to do at home

The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated mission is to uphold the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu. In response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak we want to keep our whānau informed, safe and well. New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4. We need your support to protect New Zealand and eradicate COVID-19. Enforcement measures may be used to ensure everyone acts together, now. Everyone must now stay home, except those providing essential services. This page has activity ideas for adults at home.

Things for adults to do at home
A Message of hope and TIPS from Aunty Midge and Uncle Ngaio
Ok whānau, you have all dreamed of being at home and not having to go to work. We know that these circumstances have made that reality a bit of a challenge for us because we actually do like getting out and about but this time we are refined to our homes. There are plenty of things we can do while we are home. See the list below and some links to help us along our way. Kia Kaha whānau.
Learn to speak Te Reo Māori
Learn the words and actions to our Kahungunu Classics.
Weed the garden and redesign your planting.
Clean out the shed. Get rid of that rubbish you've collected over the years. Organise your shed.
Tidy up the linen cupboard. Cut up those old towels and sheets and make them into clothes.
Use the clothes to wash your windows and walls in the house.
Write a daily journal so your future generation knows how you coped during this pandemic time.
Learn a new skill. Go online and teach yourself by reading or watching you tube videos.
Write your daily routine on a poster and put it on the fridge or somewhere for the family to see.
Write kind messages to your family members to help them cope.
Play board games with the family.
Don't forget to tell each other that you care.
Clear up your paper work. Organise and tidy up so there's order to your home.
File away those thousands of photos you've taken on your phone.
You could start up a youtube channel and share your ideas with the world....or just watch others ... Like Roshy the Greats page to see her daily experiences of being in quarantine. (Hmm not sure if these things are safe to try at home whānau - Beware or be weary lol Roshy and her brother are Kahungunu through and through).
Ring the whānau especially our elders. Keep in touch.
Join Stacey on Whanau Living. Info is gold.