Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th February
MItre 10 Sports Park, Hawke's Bay, Percival Road Hastings
Calls for Stalls close on Monday 29 January 2024
Please note this is a two-day event.
Health and safety: Everyone who sells food at this event must make sure the food is safe to eat.
1.1 You acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to comply with the food safety guidelines in the form. At the set-up stage and during the event, Hastings District Council environmental health officers and event organisers will be inspecting stalls to make sure that they comply with the food safety guidelines.
1.2 You understand that if your stall is not safe, environmental health officers and event organisers reserve the right to ask you to stop trading, and/or to leave the event. There will be no refund of the stall fee.
1.3 Food Stall holders are asked to organise your own Hastings District Council or similar ‘food licence’ for this event, and individual stallholders are required to abide by the guidelines.
1.4 As a stallholder you accept that food safety is your responsibility which absolves the organisers of any liability related to the sale of food at the event.
1.5 Health & Wellbeing: Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is dedicated to informing whānau of healthy options. All food vendors will be given an opportunity to promote and deliver healthier options for cooking.
Cooking: You are able to use several forms of cooking your kai in accordance to your food licence. Please abide by the conditions of that licence. If you are deep-frying, please bring a thick piece of custom board or timber to put under your fryer.
Payment: Once we receive your online application, you will receive an online invoice for payment which is due by Friday 2nd February 2024. Payment can be made by online banking or cash in our office only. All payments must be accompanied by the ID Code Number noted on your invoice so we can reconcile all payments.
Cost: Small whānau $150, Med-Lge/Commercial $300, Service Provider - Display only, no sales $60. Health Stalls will be coordinated through this format as well. You are required to bring your own power source for this event.
The Kahungunu Kaitiaki Initiative (Waste Management and Recycling): The KK Initiative is a movement that aims to revitalise the traditional concept of Kaitiakitanga within Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi whilst simultaneously improving the wellbeing of our community. Stall holders will be required to remove all their own site rubbish. Some bins for the public will be provided. You are encouraged to use recyclable and biodegradable products wherever possible.
5.1 We acknowledge the interconnectedness that exists between ourselves and our natural environment and in doing so we recognise that;
A) We are dependent on our natural environment for sustenance.
B) Our actions impact on our environment.
C) The health of our environment has a direct influence on the health of our people (on many levels).
5.2 As Tangata Whenua we accept that we have a responsibility to care for, protect and preserve our environment and we believe that at no other time has there been more of a need for Kaitiakitanga to be upheld than right now.
5.3 The KK Initiative endeavours to empower Tangata Whenua through education and guidance to re-
integrate this consciousness of care for Papatuanuku into their daily activities.
5.4 The ‘KK’ Initiatives underlying principles are;
empowerment through education (matauranga)
inspire not enforce
lead by example
preserve traditional knowledge
collaborative efforts
achievable goals
minimise the negative impact on the environment
maximise and effect positive change
We aim to;
implement waste management systems into our daily lives ie homes, schools, hui, workplaces;
promote and support good practices;
educate and enable Tangata Whenua to make good choices;
bring a deeper understanding of the relationship between food, health and land into our Iwi - particularly from a Maori worldview.
6. Clean-Up: All sites are to be left in their original clean state.
7. Alcohol: Under no circumstances can alcohol be sold or consumed at this event.
8. Power: All Power required for this event is your own responsibility unless arranged through the coordinator. A separate cost for power will apply, however, if you have your own generator, please use your own source.
9. Production: You must bring everything you need for food production including all cooking equipment, utensils, tables etc. and whatever the food is to be served on. It is recommended that on-site preparation be kept to a minimum.
10. Set-up for stall holders is available from 7am - 2pm on Monday 5th February and then again on Monday morning between 6-8.00am after which all vehicles must be moved out of the stall area.
11. Vehicles: No vehicles are to be driven on the Sports Park unless authorised by the event manager
11.1 Site: All site/stall spaces are approximate 3m x 3m (single gazebo size) and may incur a further cost per space requirement. Trucks and Caravans will need to give space requirements accordingly.
11.2. Site Layout. All stall holders will be sent a site layout prior to the event day.
12. No refund policy. Stall payments are required to confirm your stall with payment by 1st February. We will not refund your money if you decide to pull out or you feel that you did not do well. By registering your stall, you take full responsibility to advertise and promote your product for good sales. The only time refunds will be made is if the event is cancelled by the organisers due to unforeseen circumstances that are out of our control.
13. Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Vouchers. The organisers will have vouchers to the value of $5 that can be used as cash for this event only. As a stall holder we expect that you will accept the vouchers as cash. This means that you will give change on the vouchers as though it were cash. All vouchers will be collected from you at the end of the day and full payment for the vouchers will be paid into your account on the following week Tuesday night with payroll. FYI, we will have an eftpos machine where event-goers will be able to get vouchers for use at the event only.
All stall holders must read this form and agree to the conditions to be eligible to have a stall at this event.