The Board
The Governance Board
The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated organisation is governed by a board or representatives from the six areas within the Kahungunu rohe, two representatives from the Taura here northern and southern districts, a kaumātua representative, and a chairman. The board members are elected into their positions and meet regularly to discuss iwi matters moving forward. The board is governed by a constitution.
The last triennial iwi election took place on 26 April 2022.

Ko Te Whanganui-a-Tara te maunga
Ko Waingōngoro te awa
Ko Waimārama te marae
Ko Taupunga te whare
Ko Tiakitai te tangata
Ko Ngāti Kurukuru te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tākitimu te waka.
Ko Bayden Barber tōku ingoa

Ko Kahurānaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Poukawa te waiū
Ko Kahurānaki te marae
Ko Te Rangikoianake te hapū
Ko Te Whatuiāpiti te tangata
Ko Te Hāpuku te rangatira
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Haami Hilton tōku ingoa
I became the Kaumātua representative on the Board in 1999 and since then have gained vast knowledge and experience of iwi kaupapa during this time. I have traveled the length and breadth of Aotearoa to support Kahungunu kaupapa that are important to our people. It's been a pleasure to support and represent our iwi and give advice to our people. These important events are carried out at the request of our iwi leaders. The tasks of the Kaumātua are many and I would like to acknowledge all Kaumātua who work for their whanau, hapū and marae to keep the paepae strong and uphold tikanga on the marae.

Taku taha matua…
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Pouerua te maunga
Ko Taumarere te awa
Ko Ōwhareiti te moana
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Ngātikopaki, rātou ko Ngāti Te Ara, ko Ngātihine ōku hapū
Ko Te Rito rāua ko Otiria ōku marae.
Taku taha whaeā
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ruahine maunga tapu
Ko Tukituki rāua ko Waipawa ōku awa
Ko Whatumā te waiū
Ko Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Ngāi Toro-i-waho rāua ko Ngāi Te Whatuiāpiti ōku hapū
Ko Pukehou, rātou ko Te Whatuiāpiti, ko Te Tapairu, ko Mataweka, ko Rongo-a-Tahu, ko Rakautatahi ōku marae.
Tihei Kahungunu ki Tamatea!
Ko Jenny Nelson-Smith tōku ingoa.
My mum Kararaina (Carol) Eru Te Hopu was born in Patangata, eloped with my father George, and upon her mum (Noti Eru Te Hopu) passing returned home to Waipatu with Dad and I in tow.
After college (Hukarere) I moved to Tamatea (Central Hawkes Bay) and for most of my life have lived there, worked there, had my children there, and am still there.
From the time my Mum introduced me to the many hui across the rohe, I have either held a role, or been active, contributing to marae, hapū, Taiwhenua and iwi having been volun-told by mum, kuia, kaumātua and whānau. My favourite times have been driving kuia, kaumātua and whānau across the motu for hui. So much shared stories, shared laughter, and shared sadness.
My goal for my term on the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. Board is to Co-design and implement a Kahungunu ki Tamatea Mana Motuhake Strategy - that will be led by whānau. To walk in and beyond the footprints of our tipuna. Mā Tamatea! Mō Tamatea!
Our hearts to our ancestors as adornment of our thoughts.

Ko Taumutu te maunga
Ko Mangapoike te awa
Ko Iwitea te marae
Ko Ngai Tahu te hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Nigel How tōku ingoa
When I became a member of our Iwi Board three years ago, no one could have foreseen the uncertainty and chaos created by Covid-19 across all levels of our Iwi. This kutu has dominated the past two years. We survived and this work continues.
Wairoa is where I was born, raised, and educated. My youth was spent learning from an eclectic mix of Kaumātua. This interaction has led me to serve our community by sharing skills and knowledge for the benefit of others on many levels.
My home is Iwitea Village. I am a part-time curator at Wairoa Museum. My life is filled with family, work, gardening, and weaving. I also serve on numerous committees, many of which involve considerable voluntary hours.
I firmly uphold the values of hard work, communication, practical support, and advocating for our people and marae. My elders taught me to do this through common sense, negotiation, determination, and fairness.
Currently, I am a Board Member and the Chairman of Wairoa Taiwhenua.

He Honore, Korōria, Harerūia
kia Ihoa o ngā mano, Matua, Tama, Wairua Tapu me ngā Anahera Pono,
Ko te Māngai hai tautoko mai, Ae.
Ko Maungaharuru te Maunga
Ko Tūtira te wai ū
Ko Te Ngaru e te awa
Ko Tangitū te moana
Ko Ngāti Marangatūhetaua, Ngāi Tatara, Ngāti Kurumokihi me Ngāi Tauira ngā hapū
Ko Tangoio te marae
Tīhei Kahungunu!
Ko Hori Reti tōku ingoa
Nurturing the well-being and development of our people has always been and continues to be my passion, my pride, and my honour.
Over the next 3 years as a governing member of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. I will ensure that our board –
Will continue to ensure that the holistic well-being of our people is at the forefront of all Kaupapa of the iwi and that our localised voices and the structures of our respective Taiwhenua and Marae of Ngāti Kahungunu remain heard, recognised, and empowered.
Over the next 3 years as a governing member of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc.I will ensure that our board provides our iwi members with confidence through upholding the Vision, Integrity, Mana and Values of Ngāti Kahungunu throughout all levels of the organisation; Strengthens and maintains a strong connection with our Whānau, Hapū, Marae of Ngāti Kahungunu; Advocates strongly toward successive future leadership; Nurtures the Health and Well-being of all Ngāti Kahungunu members; Continues to support the growth of Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga throughout Ngāti Kahungunu.
Ko Kahurānaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Mangaroa te marae
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Thompson Hokianga tōku ingoa
Kai raro i ngā tauwhirotanga o ōku tupuna maunga . Ka kauria hoki ngā wai tuku kōrero ki ngā whenua taurikura o Kahungunu.Tēnei au ka whakamānawa, tēnei au ka mihi.
I am humbly standing for the Heretaunga position on the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board. As a part of an emerging generation of aspirational Ngāti Kahungunu leaders thriving on purpose, innovation, and self-determination, I seek your support and vote.
I would bring to the board 16 years of experience in public and private sectors where I have honed a plethora of inquiry skills by analysing issues and opportunities across the Education, Housing, Environmental-protection, Social service, and Justice sectors. I aspire to help grow a sustainable Māori economy while enhancing our environment and whānau wellbeing by having the confidence and courage to traverse Māori and mainstream sectors with an ability to synthesize information and ask questions where necessary.
Korou-iti , korou-noa

Ko Kaitoke te marae
Ko Ngāti Rangiwhakaewa,
Ko Ngāti Pakapaka ngā hapū
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ruahine te maunga
Ko Manawatū te awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Hayden Hape tōku ingoa
I am the son of Patrick and Christine Hape. I was born in Taniwaka. I come from a very close family who pride ourselves on being an ahi kā whānau. I am a member of the Kaitoke urupa committee and the in the past I was a Board member of the Kaitoke marae.
From mowing lawns at the urupa to supporting the whānau in times of need, the commitment to Ngāti Kahungunu is not a 9 to 5 job. Working for your iwi hapū, whānau is a 24 hour, 7 day a week commitment. I am a current Trustee on the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust. I am also privileged to have been a Treaty Negotiator for the past four years. I have been a Board member on the Iwi Board for the past 10 years and I am also a Director on the Kahungunu Asset Holding Company. These roles have strengthened my understanding of our history and whakapapa. I take my responsibilities very seriously. I have always approached my mahi with passion and determination.
Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua has been working our way forward with a new vision for our rohe, “To have a thriving community with strong and trusted leadership, building a better future for Kahungunu people, all Māori, all iwi and all people in the Tāmaki Nui a Rua Rohe.

Ko Takitumu te waka
Ko Rangitūmau te maunga
Ko Ruamahanga te awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Hurunui-o-rangi te marae
Ko Melissa Ihaka toku ingoa
I currently sit on the Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Board as a Trustee.
I have sound administrative and financial experience.
I bring a youthful vitality to this Board. I relish the opportunity to increase my skills within a nurturing environment for the betterment of our people in Wairarapa.
I endeavour to strengthen relationships and communication lines between my whānau, hapū marae and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated.

“He ao te rangi ka uhia, ma te huruhuru te manu ka rere, ka tau”
Mai Mokonuiarangi ki Te Huiarau, ki Panekiri hoki,
Mai Panekiri ki Tukurangi, ki Pakiaka ki Titirangi, ānei, ngā tihi o te rohe o Ngai Tamaterangi.
Ko Waikaremoana te moana, ko Waiau te awa e whāngaihia raua te whenua, ngā tangata hoki.
Ko Rangiahua, ko Te Kuha, ko Arimawha ngā marae,
Ko Tamaterangi te tangata, tiheei mauri tu, tiheii mauri ora
Ko Brian Ruawai-Hamilton toku ingoa.
I hold fast to the whakatauki of our tipuna, Tamaterangi, quoted above. Said to be a reference to the appropriateness of representation and use of resources.
Work Experience
Described as hardworking and honest, with a working life focused on the socio-economic, socio-cultural and educational (community and individual) development of whanau, hapu & Iwi. This began with a 15+ year stint in 1975 with Te Tari Māori / Department of Maori Affairs and its replacement agencies.
I’ve since worked in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet as a Kaitakawaenga a Iwi. Two Industry Training Organisations - Quality Management roles Te Wananga o Aotearoa – Te Korowai Awhina / Social Worker. Teachers & Education Council - Whakaruruhau Kaupapa Māori and Pouarahi at Heritage NZ / Pouhere Taonga.
I’ve contributed as Chair, Executive and Committee Member on a range of voluntary Community Work and Education organisations, providing general social, health and sporting programmes and services. I’ was elected onto the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board in 2019 and was unopposed in the more recent election held April 2022

Ko Kurupakiaka te hapu
Ko Taihoa te marae
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
No Kirikiriroa e noho ana
Ko Eruera Beattie tōku ingoa
My career started in the building industry where I progressed through the necessary qualifications to gain membership to the NZ Institute of Building Inspectors. Over 15 years I served as a Building Inspector for several Local Authorities the latest being Waikato District Council. My role there was Group Manager Compliance.
In 2001 I was successful in gaining the position of Manager Māori Health Services for Waikato District Health Board. In that role I negotiated with the Ministry of Health to obtain funding that enabled the recruitment of a team that formed the first Māori Health Unit – Te Waka Hauora.
An achievement of note was the establishment of a Māori governance body for the DHB. This bought together prominent Māori representatives from Waikato, Maniapoto, Ngāti Haua, Tuwharetoa, Pare Hauraki. This was a significant achievement as the Waikato DHB was the first in the health sector to establish such a body that functioned effectively alongside the elected governance board.
I pride myself with leadership qualities based on my academic qualifications but also on good relationship development with both individuals and groups
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree majored in Maori studies with Human Psychology as a supporting subject. I hold a NZ Certificate in Building construction. I am an ordained priest for Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa Hāhi Mihingare
Bayden resides in Waimārama where he is heavily involved with his community through Waimarama marae. His experience includes two terms as a Hastings District Councillor where he was the Chair of the Hastings District Council’s Strategy and Policy committee. He is a Chartered Member of the NZ Institute of Directors, an independent director of Beef + Lamb NZ, a director and former chair of Health Hawke’s Bay, and a board member of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission). Bayden says, “Relationships are a key component to such an important role. "I’ve been told I have a knack for walking authentically in both the Māori and Pākehā worlds and throughout the years I’ve built relationships at all levels, from the grassroots to the dignitaries and everywhere in between.”
“I particularly enjoy bringing together people who aren’t always on the same page, as it takes patience and practice but is well worth the effort.” Bayden also wants to improve Ngāti Kahungunu’s financial performance. “Our fisheries treaty settlement needs to be growing exponentially so that we can provide our people with increased benefits in the areas of employment, education, health, housing, and our environment.”
With a family of 7 children, and a beautiful Mokopuna in Hawaii, issues that affect whānau are at the heart of Barber’s desire to lead Ngāti Kahungunu. Bayden is married to Myra Christy from Nuhaka, Ngāti Rākaipaaka. “My wife, tamariki and wider whānau have always supported me in my leadership roles as they understand the importance of having good leadership in our community.” “I have met with our whānau throughout the rohe either via Zoom or where possible in person to discuss the future of our iwi. My whakapapa links me from Wairarapa, through Heretaunga and on to Te Wairoa and Waikaremoana. It is important to me that all the voices of Ngāti Kahungunu are heard.”