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Te Taiao me ona rawa update of annual work plan

2015 - 2016

The Environment and Natural Resources Unit is making good progress against the four goals it has in place for 2015 2016. A summary of our  progress against our goals is provided below. A positive development is the convening of a taiao advocacy focus group called Te Kotahitanga Tiaki Taiao. The intention of this group is to enhance our environmental advocacy across our collective takiwa. A technical team made up of settlement group representatives, Taiwhenua and iwi representatives has also been established to help with the sharing of resources and to provide leadership on environmental issues. We are seeking a contractor to help with the review work for the Kahungunu Ki Uta Kahungunu Ki Tai strategic plan. We prepared an application to the Ministry of Business and Innovation and Enterprise for establishing a Regional Research Institute. While we were unsuccessful on this occasion there is a clear demand from a range of local organisations to establish an indigenous research and innovation centre based in our rohe.


Advocate for Ngāti Kahungunu objectives and values to be incorporated into natural resources decision making and policy developed by local, regional and central government


  • We are contributing to the development of the new Conservation Management Strategy underway by the Department of Conservation.

  • Financial contribution and advice to the Hawkes Bay Regional Council (HBRC) marine system gaps analysis report to develop a research strategy to better understand the impact of land use activities on our marine area mahinga kai.  

  • Presentation to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Regional Planning Committee (RPC) regarding water quality and the council’s legal obligations. The HBRC RPC is interested in exploring ways to further engage with Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to contribute to the RPC. The focus should always be on more meaningful engagement not necessarily more engagement.

  • Participation in the Hastings District Council District Plan change process and the need for the Council to amend its plan to align with the Environment Court Plan Change 5 decision and relevant freshwater management.

  • Our Unit continues to provide policy support for the work of the CEO and our Iwi Chairman at the Iwi Leaders Group including advice on national freshwater issues, the freshwater policy reforms and the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.

  • We have provided advice and submissions on; the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, Local Government amalgamation, oil exploration block offers, the Fisheries Act operational review, the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill and the Marine Protected Areas Act, Kermadec Marine Reserve. 

  • We have a watching brief on numerous issues including:

    • Policy on wetlands in the HBRC Regional Policy Statement.

    • The Customary Marine Title application by Ms Clarkson for Whangaehu.

    • The Pure Hawkes Bay strategy for a genetically modified free Hawkes Bay.

    • The Ruataniwha Dam and Water Bottling Plants.



Undertake a review of the Kahungunu Ki Uta Kahungunu Ki Tai strategic plan


  • The first step in our strategy is to build stronger relationships across our hapū, Taiwhenua and Settlement Groups. We continue to develop strategic relationships across a wide range of Ngāti Kahungunu organisations, environmental practitioners and partner agencies.  

  • We have met with the Ministry for Primary Industries Customary Fisheries Team in May to discuss our approach to a new strategic plan. An integral part of our strategy is the intention to develop a suitable forum that will support and enhance   our Tangata Kaitiaki in their important work as fisheries managers.

  • We are advertising for a contractor to assist us with the review of the strategic plan.

  • Support for the marine mammals observer programme.


Support hapū to develop and progress hapū management plans to enhance their role as Kaitiaki of the natural resources


  • Support for the Nga Hapū o Tutaekuri Awa Plan and participation in their monitoring wananga for the Tutaekuri and Ahuriri (part of Napier City Council consent). We are also working with these hapū to implement a wetlands restoration project using the NIWA waterscape funds.

  • Facilitated the development of the Ngāti Kere coastal and fisheries hapū plan which was approved in principle on the 28th of February.

  • Support for the writing of the Te Matau a Maui coastal fisheries plan.

  • Support for the implementation of Mana Ake and Operation Pātiki via the TANK & mana whenua group.


Develop quality relationships with organisations to assist us to achieve our natural resources objectives and to help build the capacity and capabilities of our people


  • We are contributing to the work of Te Kotahitanga Tiaki Taiao and the Technical Taiao team. The vision for the technical team is a “cooperative kaupapa centered around Papatuanuku.” The Technical Team recently prepared a Joint Emissions Trading Scheme submission to the Ministry for the Environment.

  • Submitted a proposal in partnership with Maungaharuru Tangitū Incorporated to MBIE to establish a Regional Research Institute.

  • Capability building wananga for pauā monitoring in Waimarama. Completed the data analysis workshop using EIT facilities.

  • Another successful GNS Earth Science wananga was held in Pirinoa, Wairarapa on 15-18 March. Next wananga is set for last week of October at either Porangahau or Dannevirke. We are scoping out the opportunity to take Ngāti Kahungunu students to Wellington to explore the GNS facilities.

  • We continue to engage with a range of Crown Research Institutes over research proposals that will contribute to building our capability and contribute to our own research aspirations. 


If you have any projects you would like the Environment and Natural Resources Unit to assist you with, please get in touch with Ngaio on 06 8762718.


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