Te Ara Toiora

Chrissie Hape
Ko Tākitimu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Ngāti Papatuamaro te hapū
Ko Kahuranaki raua ko Houngarea nga marae
Ko Tukituki te awa
Ko Whānui Hape raua ko Reuma Tamihana ōku mātua
Ko Chrissie Hape ahau
Chrissie is the Chief Executive for the Iwi office and also responsible for the development and implementation of the shared workplan between Child Youth and Family and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi that will lead to the repatriation of our mokopuna.
Chrissie was appointed CEO in 2017 and her role includes overseeing the Te Ara Toiora mahi of the iwi.
Te Ara Toiora Secondments
The management structure has evolved over the years as Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated has continued to increase the capacity in the office. Since 2018 the iwi has built relationships with regional and national government agencies to increase opportunities for secondments to work unitedly towards achieving outcomes for whānau development. The following are a team of iwi workers and secondees working in partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to support the Te Ara Toiora - Well-being aspirations which is healthy strong vibrant whānau, hapū, iwi.
Ana Carroll
Ki te taha o toku papa
Ko Ata Patuhoe Kara toku papa
Ko te Matau O Maui te whare tipuna
Ko Ngāti Hawea te Hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi
Ki te taha o toku mama
Ko Ripeka Maihi toku mama
Ko Whakatere te Maunga
Ko Taheke te Awa
Ko Tahekeroa te Marae
Te Mahurehure te Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi
Ana Carroll is the Iwi Partnerships, Senior Advisor for the organisation. Ana will focus on the iwi’s relationship with regional and national government agencies to increase opportunities to work unitedly towards achieving the aspirations of the ‘Te Ara Toiora-wellbeing’ strategy which focuses on enhancing whānau development.
Ana has a social service background and has worked at Social Welfare/Oranga Tamariki for the past 30 years.

Krystal Haimona
(secondee Corrections)
Ka tuwhera a Maungaharuru
Ka kati a Tangitū,
Ka tuwhera a Tangitū,
Ka kati Maungaharuru
Ko Maungaharuru te maunga
Ko Tūtira te roto
Ko Te Ngarue te awa
Ko Tangitū te moana
Ko Tangoio te marae
Ko Punanga Te Wao te whare tīpuna
Ko Ngāti Kurumōkihi, Ko Ngai Tātāra, Ko Ngāti Tū ngā hapū
Ko Tākitmu te waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
No te uri o Laddie Waiari Anaru ahau
Ko Krystal Tāne Haimona ahau
Krystal is the Strategic Lead for the East Coast of Ara Poutama Aotearoa, Department of Corrections. She has worked for a number of government agencies and has seen how different departments could work collaboratively to make things work better for families.
Krystal’s aspirations within this mahi are: “To connect, collaborate and contribute to meaningful outcomes for whānau. Collectively the Te Ara Toiora brief is to work with their agencies to apply a ‘Systems Thinking’ approach across the social sector that enables agencies to better respond to the needs of our whānau.

Melissa White
(secondee MSD)
Titiro whakarunga au ki tōku maunga ko Moumoukai
Ka heke whakararo ki ngā wai o tōku tipuna ko Waitirohia
Ka hoki au ki tōku marae ki Tane Nui A Rangi
Kei reira ko tōku hapū ko Ngāti Rangi
Matakitaki ana au i te rahi o tōku iwi o Ngāti Rakaipaaka
Ko Melissa tōku ingoa
E noho ana au ki Heretaunga
Melissa started with the team in March 2021. She joins the NKII team as a secondee from MInistry of Social Development/Oranga Tamariki to lead the delivery of Paiheretia te Muka Tangata under our Commissioning agreement with Te Puni Kōkiri. Melissa has worked in the Government Sector for 21 years and has a wealth of knowledge. The Paiheretia te Muka Tangata – Uniting the Threads of Whānau (Paiheretia) is a kaupapa that draws on the strengths of the Whānau Ora approach to support whānau engaged with the Corrections system. It aims to improve whānau wellbeing, thereby reducing re-offending and imprisonment. Melissa leads 6 teams across the iwi who are working with these whānau.

Chris Karaitiana

Nicosia Webster
Ko Ngāti Kurukuru, Whakawhaiti, Urakiterangi, Hikatoa nga hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ka tau taku manu ki runga i taku maunga o Putahi
Ka mātiro whakararo ki te awa o Wairoro e rere ana
Ka rewa to waka tipua o Mamari
Ka haaro taku manu ka tau ki Te Kotahitanga
Ko Ngāti Whakaeke te hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua
Ko Nicosia Webster taku ingoa
Chris is the Te Kura Programme Lead for Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. ‘Te Kura’ is a new initiative that the iwi and police are trialing and is all about empowering whānau to be safe from family harm and violence.
Chris has worked with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga for the past 8 years as the Domestic Violence Facilitator and prior to that, he worked for Dove Hawke’s Bay for 7 years in a similar role, helping whānau cope with family violence prevention.
Chris and the Te Kura team will work alongside police to support whanau who enter through notification and incidents; and who are experiencing family harms as victims and also those responsible for the harm.
Chris works alongside community leaders, providers, agencies and other organisations with current programmes like helplines, E Tū Whānau and Māori providers to better support whānau by designing opportunities that will make a difference.
Nicosia Webster is part of the Te Kura Family Harm team as the Programme Coordinator. Nicosia works with Te Kura Lead, Chris Karaitiana. The Te Kura Team works with Police and Community service agencies and other organisations to empower whānau to be safe from family harm and violence. Nicosia has a wealth of experience in the Ministry of Justice and Corrections Department.

Tawehi Munro
(secondee Ministry of Education)
Taku taha matua:
Ko Ōrangi te maunga
Ko Hereheretau te whenua
Ko Whakaki-nui-a-rua te wai-ū
Ko Whakaki ko Iwitea ngā marae
Ko Ngāi Te Ipu, Ngāti Hine Tepairu, Ngāti Hinepua ngā hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa te iwi
He hono hoki ki Ngāti Pahauwera
Ko Morris rāua ko Ani Munro (nee Horomona) aku mātua tīpuna
Ko Pieri Munro taku pāpara
Taku taha whaea:
He uri ahau o Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato, Ngāti Ruānui, Ngā Rauru, Ngāi Tahu
Ko Te Kotahitanga, Waingaro, Wairewa, Toroanui (o Parihaka)) ētahi o aku marae
Ko Uenuku rāua ko Tapu Rangitaawa aku mātua tīpuna
Ko Wikitoria Rangitaawa taku kōkara