Education - Mātauranga
Goal Two: Whakamana - Kahungunu Ethics (Axiology)
● Values Ngāti Kahungunu knowledge, pedagogy and content while also
celebrating such unique understandings;
● Empowers Ngāti Kahungunu people and advances their holistic wellbeing;
● Celebrates Ngāti Kahungunu diversity through the sharing of cultural
knowledge, cultural practices, local histories and traditional stories;
● Provides multiple levels and layers of engagement
Level 1 Ngāti Kahungunu cultural knowledge, stories and
traditions, and whānau expectations and aspirations for
Māori children are acknowledged by our educational
Level 2 Local Ngāti Kahungunu (taiwhenua, hapū, marae and
whānau) cultural knowledge, stories and traditions, and
whānau expectations and aspirations for Māori children
in education are starting to be recognised by the
education system and practiced; and
Level 3 Local Ngāti Kahungunu (taiwhenua, hapū, marae and
whānau) cultural knowledge, stories and traditions, and
whānau expectations and aspirations for Māori children
are embedded in the everyday practice of teachers in all
of our local educational institutions.
The Ngāti Kahungunu Education Strategy
Te Tōpuni Tauwhāinga
Whakamana affirms the necessity of;
leveraging the strength of mana whenua status to empower whānau, hapū and
communities further, thus transforming into confident, resilient and connected
people of Kahungunu;
Recognising cultural knowledge, cultural practices, local histories and traditional
stories of mana whenua, further demonstrating the diversity of Ngāti Kahungunu;
Integrating Ngāti Kahungunu cultural knowledge, cultural practices, local histories
and traditional stories into and across the curricula of all of our educational
supporting the importance, relevance and notion of Kahungunu place-based
education to meet the expectations and aspirations of hapori, Taiwhenua, hapū,
marae, whānau and individuals.